52 Things Husbands Need From Their Wives

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With 14 years of hard work invested, praise the Lord, my husband and I have a great marriage. However, I can always use some encouragement of specific ways I can love my man better. In his book, 52 Things Husbands Need From Their Wives, Jay Payleitner, gives women some candid and straightforward ways to be the wife their husband needs.

In the introduction, Jay introduces himself as a new friend and he seems to know how to talk to women by building a relationship with the reader right off the bat. He continues to build trust as he starts with easy topics and saves the harder ones for last. But by the end, he’s gained the full trust of the reader, so he can address those difficult topics with honesty without losing the reader.

Each chapter is very short, to the point and very practical. Although some chapters seem repetitive or should be combined, I see the point of keeping them short and maybe we needed to hear that twice. Some of the chapters that were helpful and encouraging to me were:
“To Be Careful about Scheduling Expectations”

“To Give Him Time to Decompress after Work”
“To Be Flattered When You’re on His Mind”
“To Appoint Him as Project Co-Manager”
“To Realize that His Anger is Not Really Directed at You”
“To Applaud His Tenacious Focus on the Task at Hand”

I also like the takeaway and quote/scripture at the end of each chapter. Without “preaching” at you, Jay uses Scripture and biblical thinking to back up his points. This book has a very friendly and encouraging tone. I would recommend this book to newly wed wives and wives that are struggling in their marriages because understanding these things about your husband may prevent and/or explain much of the conflict that occurs in marriage.

*Special thanks to Harvest House Publishers for providing this book for review through Netgalley.com 

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